Microchip Application
Microchipping your pet should be an important consideration in a wellness program. The microchip itself is the size of a grain of rice and is implanted in between the shoulder blades under the skin. Since microchipping can be painful, we recommend doing it while your pet is under anesthesia for other surgical procedures.
The microchip is relatively low cost and includes free registration of your pet’s 10-digit microchip number on the registry website. If your pet is ever lost, the microchip can be searched by using a microchip scanner. Most animal shelters and veterinary clinics will scan for a microchip is a lost pet is found.
Nutritional Counseling
Nutrition is a vital aspect in your pet’s health. A good diet can prevent different problems such as allergies, skin and coat disorders, nutritional deficiencies and obesity.
While choosing an appropriate and healthy diet can be difficult, we are here to ease the burden. There are different factors to look at when choosing a food. They include:
- Age of animal (Baby vs Adult vs Senior)
- Size of animal (Small Breed vs Large Breed)
- Medical conditions- There are foods with specific ingredients that can help with medical conditions.
We offer two different types of pet food. The first is Hill’s which is a high-quality food company that offers a large variety of regular food and prescription diets. The second is IVET, another high-quality food that is only sold by veterinary clinics. IVET is a small company based in Kansas. All ingredients come from North America and have never been recalled.
Radiography & Ultrasonography
Occasionally there will be times when your pet will need to be x-rayed to determine illnesses, fractures or to rule out other possible diagnoses. Radiography can provide valuable information regarding a pet’s skeletal (bones) system, digestive (stomach, intestines, colon) system, respiratory (lungs) system, cardiac (heart) system, and genitourinary (bladder and reproductive) system.
We offer state of the art digital radiography that will help determine a quicker diagnosis. These x-rays will be examined by the veterinarian. The veterinarian may then order other diagnostic tests to complete a diagnosis.
While taking x-rays, the animal must lay completely still to achieve a clear, crisp x-ray that can be read easily. In some cases, a short-acting sedation may be necessary.
An ultrasound is a noninvasive procedure that uses ultrasonic sound waves to examine a pet’s internal organs or to check for pregnancy. It can be used to detect fluid, cysts, tumors and abscesses.
Lump/Mass Screening
Introducing the HT Vista: A new cancer screening tool that helps veterinarians identify malignancies early within minutes, significantly improving the survival rate for many patients.
We are excited to now have the opportunity to help provide a critical, life-saving service to our pet owners and deliver better outcomes for our patients with this new cancer screening tool.
Call us to today to schedule an appointment to get those worrisome lumps looked at for your 4-legged friend.

Small breeding services
- Vaginal Cytology – It is a lab procedure that involves swabbing the dog’s vagina and examining under a microscope. This procedure determines the stage of a dog’s estrous cycle for breeding purposes.
- Progesterone Testing – Testing for progesterone levels can help determine the best time to breed or artificially inseminate your breeding dog. We collect a blood sample and the test is performed at the local hospital.
- Artificial insemination (AI) – Artificial insemination is a useful tool for breeding animals. We can collect the sample from the male dog and inseminate the female dog.
- Cesarean Section (C-Section) – Most mothers can deliver without complications but occasionally a dog or cat is unable to deliver without medical intervention. If a C-section is needed, the animal is sedated with gas anesthesia and intubated. The surgery is performed as efficiently as possible in order to have the best outcome for the babies.
- Ultrasound – A useful tool in determining pregnancy is the ultrasound. It can give an estimation on how many babies to expect.
Laser Therapy
We offer laser therapy for animals of all sizes. Laser therapy is a versatile service that has many health benefits. Laser therapy has been proven to help alleviate pain and inflammation and to stimulate nerve and cell regeneration. It helps reduce healing time from surgery and may decrease the need for additional medications.
Laser therapy can treat a variety of conditions. They include:
- Osteoarthritis
- Degenerative joint/disc disease
- Hip dysplasia
- Dermatology disorders such as hot spots and acral lick granulomas
- Acute and chronic otitis
- Post-operative healing
- Acute traumas such as sprains
Specialist Referrals
While we offer many different services at Creekside Veterinary Clinic, there will be an occasional need for a specialty referral. Different specialties may include oncologists, ophthalmologists, neurologists, and board certified surgeons. The specialists will have more advanced training and equipment.
Be assured that although your pet may be referred elsewhere, we will remain involved in all future care.
Euthanasia Service
An unfortunate part of pet ownership is having to say goodbye. While this can be a difficult and emotional process, we strive to make it as easy as possible for the pet and owner. At our clinic, we have a larger examination room designated as the grieving room. This room has quick access to the parking lot for grieving owners. If preferred, the euthanasia can be performed at home.
Cremation options can be discussed prior to the euthanasia. We have a crematory service available.
Schedule an Appointment
We have many different services for small animals, you can call us at 605-990-3388 or book online.