child hugging dog in woods
There are many benefits to spaying and neutering your pets

Spay & Neuter Services

Spay (Ovariohysterectomy)

Performing a spay (or ovariohysterectomy), is a surgical procedure that removes the ovaries and uterus from a female animal, which prevents the female from getting pregnant. This can be done as early as 3-4 months old.

All patients undergoing a spay will be intubated and closely monitored with strict anesthesia protocols.

There are many benefits to getting your pet spayed. They include:

  • Decreased bacterial infections and prevents pyometra, a uterine infection.
  • Prevents reproductive tract diseases and several types of cancers.
  • Prevents heat cycles – this will eliminate menstruation in canines and howling/crying in felines.
  • Helps pet population from increasing.

There are several myths that spaying your pet will cause personality and physical changes. Spaying your pet will not cause your dog to stop hunting; nor will having a litter make her a “better” dog. Spaying your pet will not cause them to gain weight. Weight gain is something that can happen as your pet ages or if the correct diet and exercise program is not implemented. Finally, spaying your dog will not make her less of a dog.

If you have any questions regarding the procedure or would like to schedule a surgery, call and make an appointment with us today!

Neuter (Orchidectomy)

Performing a neuter (or orchidectomy) is a surgical procedure that removes the testicles from a male animal, which prevents the male from breeding. This can be done as early as 3-4 months old.

All patients undergoing a neuter surgery will be intubated and closely monitored with strict anesthesia protocols.

There are many benefits to getting your pet neutered. They include:

  • Reducing or eliminating risk of prostrate and testicular cancer.
  • Prevents sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Prevents or reduces roaming, aggression, humping and spraying/marking.

There are several myths that neutering your pet will cause personality and physical changes. Neutering your pet will not cause your dog to stop hunting or change hunting ability. Weight gain is not a symptom of neuter surgery; rather this is something that can occur as a pet ages or the correct diet and exercise regimen is not being followed. Finally, neutering your pet will not make him less of a male.

Schedule an Appointment

If you have any questions regarding the procedure or would like to schedule a surgery, call and make an appointment with us today!